Worlde of Legends Credits

Chief Game Designer - R. Cody Sibley  
Art Directors - Todd Hanks, Richard S. Sibley
Research Director - Vacant Position
Creative Director - R. Cody Sibley
Chief Editor  - Need a Volunteer!
Web Developer  - Vacant Position
Technology Director  - Damian Bourgeois
Music Composer - R. Cody Sibley

R. Cody Sibley, Dominic Bordelon, Richard S. Sibley, Shayne C. Bertrand, Damon Buckhalter, Jason Coleman, Matthew Francis, Benjamin "Bunny" Machts, Samantha Dassel, Cody Tassin, Alexandra Windham, Madalyn Harger, Jake Kowal, Damian Bourgeois, Sergio Oramas, Brandon Dinger, Mike Hill

R. Cody Sibley, Dominic Bordelon, Richard S., Sibley, Kaelan G. Sibley, Jason Coleman, Anna M. Dobritt, Lisa Hartjes, Nicholas "Tiger" McCarroll, Benjamin “Bunny” Machts, Samantha Dassell, Matthew Francis, Serena Landaiche, Damian Bourgeois, Mike Hill

Richard S. Sibley, Bridget Shirley, R. Cody Sibley, Michelle Bellinger, Todd Hanks, Benjamin “Bunny” Machts, Matthew Francis

R. Cody Sibley, Dominic Bordelon, Richard S. Sibley, Kendra Bertrand, Lauren Scott, Matthew Francis, Thomas Hill, Madalyn Harger, Mike Hill, Kari Dinger

R. Cody Sibley, Benjamin "Bunny" Machts, Dominic Bordelon, Anna M. Dobritt, Lisa Hartjes, Richard S. Sibley, Matthew Francis, Damian Bourgeois

Cody Sibley, Dominic Bordelon, Richard Sibley, Kaelan Sibley, Matthew Francis, Benjamin “Bunny” Machts, Thomas Hill, Serena Land aiche, Damian Bourgeois, Dillon Vince, Aidan Harger

Cody Sibley, Matthew Francis, Damian Bourgeois

All the thanks in all the Worldes to All the Play Testers from the earliest House Rules to the Final Version:  David Jackson, Brad Granier, Kevin Spillman, Greg Sumrall, Keith Duncan, Bruce Spiegelman, Scott Wood, Kim Pellegrin, Wade Pellegrin, Ryan Barber, Tricia Barber, Regina Bellinger Owen, Eric Bellinger, Michelle Bellinger, Bridget Shirley, Richard Sibley, Kaelan Sibley, Wilfredo Martinez, Dominic Bordelon, Kathryn Rice, Belle Bellard, Heather Howitz, Benjamin Machts, Samantha Dassell, Tiger McCarroll, Matthew Francis, Logan Kinchen, Turner Lux, Serena Landaiche, Sergio Oramas, Ksaa Tove Zair, Alexandra Windham, Dean Smith, Mike Hill, Brandon G. Dinger, Thomas Hill, Kari Denise, Mahika Menon, Damian Bourgeois, Jake Kowal, Madalyn Harger, Jacob Gayle, Isaiah Graham, and anyone else from the distant past whose forgiveness I beg.

A very special THANK YOU! to all who gave their undying support from the very beginning back in the Spring of 2000.

Special thanks and acknowledgment to Bill Sibley for introducing the Chief Game Designer to the RPG concept.

A thank you, a nod of the head, and a mug of ale to all of the Dungeon Guild™ founders and members from the past for keeping the dream alive for all those years even after we dissolved.

A word of gratitude and so much more to that early team of play testers, the Vanguard of the Wanderer’s: Laurik, Wárlýn, Áréana, and Lora (aka Dominic, Heather, Belle, and Kathryn).

The Misfit Band must also be mentioned: Their Minotaur, Ninja, Wood Elf, and Warrior made for some of the most entertaining games ever experienced by this GameMaster.

Huge amounts of gratitude (and begging for forgiveness for all they had to endure in the final stages) to the ALPHA GROUP, the Black Raevyns – Oláf, Taigur, Méralýth, and Veltoreanel (Benny, Tiger, Samantha, and Matt) and the BETA GROUP, the League of Misfits - Alára, Ka'Dár, Hádésh, Loka'Rang, and Aléa (Damian, Mike, Tommy, Brandon, Aly)

A special word of thanks and appreciation to everyone who played one night dungeons and suffered through long and arduous character creation and thousands of rule adjustments while we got it all worked out. Each and every one of you are truly hardcore gamers!

The Worlde of Legends™ Mastery Systems would be nothing without the incredible contributions of people who assisted in the finer details: Damon Buckhalter (Týnj'Naz), Richard Sibley (Staff & Weapons), Damian Bourgeois (Bardic Arts), and Matthew Francis (Arts Majika). Also a nod to Lars Anderson, who, without even knowing it, was the inspiration for much of the Archery Mastery System.

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Unless otherwise stated within this website, Worlde of Legends™,WoL™, the yellow and orange dragon logo, the d12 dragon dice, Kaendor, Kaendoran, the Kaendoran Language, characters, character names, likenesses of characters, all artwork, and all other creative entities on this website are the intellectual property of Worlde of Legends™. Permission for reuse or distribution, in any format or media, of any aspect or element of this WebSite, Products, and/or Services is not granted except exclusively in writing from the Chief Game Designer of Worlde of Legends™.
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