Naming your Adventurer is sometimes one of the most difficult things for players, especially in a new game or a new campaign worlde. Worlde of Legends™ provides the following name examples for each of the playable races and culutures to help make it easier for you to imagine a name for your new WoL™ Adventurer. You, of course, do not have to follow these examples and may choose any name you wish (as long as it is okay with your GameMaster). Scroll down and tap the title bars for the names examples.
It may also be helpful to have a better understanding of LANGUAGE in the Worlde of Kaendor™ (learn how to say all those accented vowels) by visiting our Kaendor Langauge Guide. If you are looking for other Adventurer building help, visit our Adventurer Building Guide.
The Averaikeu (ay-VRAI-koo) are an Avian Anthropomorphic race (Brid Folk) whose names are usually similar to the following. Aevraikeu names are usually gender neutral, often have a hard consonant sound (lots of "k" and "t"), and commonly consist of a two syllable first name followed by the infix "dá" (meaning "from" as in "hatched from" and a two syllable last name which is usually the mother's first name.
The Aneubyn (uh-NOO-bin) are a Canine Anthropomorphic race (Dog Folk) whose names are usually similar to the following. Aneubýn names are usually gender neutral and consist of a one syllable first name and a two syllable last name which is usually a family name but is sometimes a clan, guild, or military unit. For a real world reference, Aneubýn names are similar to Tibetan names that are adapted to Kaendoran.
Tán Jýnhér Zed Rémok Máz Dável Kob Kýnzeg Sef Kodýn
The Bábora (BAH-boor-uh) are a somewhat barabaric, primarily nomadic Human race whose names are usually similar to the following. Their names are usually one name of one to three syllables followed by the infix "da" (meaning "of") and their Zek (clan) name. The Bábora Zeká are: Faelm (plains horse riders), Jaereh (mountain cave dwellers), Motá (tundra body painters), Ráko (warship invaders), and Keltýn (kilt-wearing hill dwellers). Bábora names may or may not be gender neutral. Non-gender neutral names are designated with (F) and (M).For a real world reference, Bábora names are often similar to Viking and Nordic names but have been adapted to Kaendoran.
The Brursár (brur-SAHR) are an Ursidae Anthropomorphic race (Bear Folk) whose names are usually similar to the following. Brursár names are usually a simple primary name of one to two syllables and a secondary name that is often a "stylized" descriptive word that is a derivative of a trade, craft, hobby, or location. Secondary names are only given/used in formal situations, such as in the presence of royalty, military commanders, or other high-ranking officials and special occasions such as weddings and award ceremonies. Brursár names are usually gender neutral. Some Brursár, especially those on the contient of Zherdán follow the naming nomenclature of the Keuntár (see below). For a real world reference, Brursár names are often similar to names found in many Asian culutures but have been adapted to Kaendoran.
The Daelkýn (DEL-kin) are a Human race whose names are usually similar to the following. Daelkýn names are usually a first name of one to three syllables followed by a second name which represents a family name which is also usally one to three syllables. Some Daelkýn will also have a middle name which may be family related or have some other significance. Some Daelkýn names are gender neutral but most are not. For a real world reference, Daelkýn names are similar to Medieval and Renaissance English, Polish, Italian, and French names that are adapted to Kaendoran.
The Dwarves are an stout, hardy race whose names are usually similar to the following. Their names are not usually gender neutral and commonly consist of a first name of one to three syllables and a second name, of two to three syllable, often represnetative of a family name, trade/craft, or location. When the second name is a location, it is uaually preceded by the infix "do'" (meaning "of") with no apostrophe before the infix and the infix always in lower case. When the second name is the name of a parent, it is preceded by the infix "ko'" (son of) followed by the father's name or "lo'" (daughter of) followed by the mother's name with no apostrophe before the infix and the infix always in lower case.For a real world reference, Dwarf names are similar to Viking and Norse names that are adapted to Kaendoran.
The Elves have many subculutres and have names that are usually similar to the following. Elven names usually consist of a first name of three or more syllables followed by the "ko" (son of) or "lo" (daughter of) infix and a second name, aslo of three or more syllables, that is the mother or father's name, dependent on tradition in each individual family. Elven names may or may not be gender neutral. Most elves have a "short name" that is often the first one or two syllable of their first name. "Short names" are commonly used when giving one's name to persons of non-elven races.
Raevýnor'ko'Alýnorovel aka Raevýn Méralýnomás'lo'Kaelobelýn aka Méra Kelomásovýn'ko'Davýnoloro aka Kel Bolomésýnek'ko'Paegováro aka Bolo Tanýnoloves'ko'Gránovýnýn aka Tanýn
The Gnomes are often a peculiar race whose names are usually similar to the following and are usualy gender neutral, but not always. Gnome names generally consist of a first name of two syllables followed by a second name of three syllables. Gnome names are often meolodic and sometimes hard to say. They seldom take offense when you say their name incorrectly but are quick to return the favor by calling you the wrong name completely.
The Gýnto are a usually nomadic human race whose names are usually gender specific and similar to the following. Gýnto names generally consist of a two to three syllable first name followed by a two to four syllable family name. When a child does not have a family in the Gýnto society, he/she is give the second name "Énéperná" which is a shortened form of "éné pernána" and is translated from Kaendoran as meaning "of the people". Children who find themselves with no family are raised by the entire community and Énéperná is a respected name. For a real world reference, Gýnto names are simlar to old world Romanian or Polish names that are adapted to Kaendoran.
The Halflings are a curios race whose names are usually gender oriented and similar to the following. Halfling names generally consist of a one to three syllable first name followed by a two to three syllable family oriented second name. For a real world reference, Hairfoot Halfling names are similar to Celtic Welsh names with Longleg Halflings names being similar to Celtic Scottish, both of which are adapted to Kaendoran.
The Keuntár are a Human race who hail from the continent of Zherdán. Their name are usually gender neutral but not always. Keuntár names usually consist of two or three one-to-two syllable names separated by apostrophes. The first name is a unique name to each individual while the last name is usually a family name, often the name of the father or mother. When there is a third name, it is between the first and last, out of respect, sincie it is usually the name of a grandparent. Some members of the Brursár race also use this naming nomenclature (see above).
The Kobro are a Rodentia Anthropomorphic race whose names are not gender neutral and are usually similar to the following. Kobro names are usually one two to four syllable name followed by the infix "da'" and a community, tribe, clan or location. The infix is not preceded by an apostrophe and is always lower case. For a real world reference, Plains Kobro names are similar to Hawaiian names with Swamp Kobro names being similar to Samoan names, both of which are adapted to Kaendoran.
The Lozár are a Reptilian (specifically Lizard) Anthropomorphic race whose names are usually gender specific and consist of a two to four syllable first name and last name in which the last name is either a family surname or the name of the mother, father, grandmother, or grandfather. For a real world reference, Lozár names are similar to Maori names but are adapted to Kaendoran.
The Medéno are a human race who hail from the desert of Gorána. They are a dark skinned people whose names are usually gender specific and consist of a first name of two to four syllables and a family oriented last name aksi if two to four syllables. For a real world reference, Medéno names are similar to Arabic, Muslim, or Egyptian names that have been adapted to Kaendoran.
The Mohúura are a nomadic Human race whose names are usually gender specific and are similar to the following. Mohúran names are usually two to four syllables followed by the infix "'fás'" (meaning father) if a male name or "'maes'" (meaning mother) if a female name and the father's or mother's name as appropriate. For a real world reference, Mohúra names are similar to Mongolian names that have been adapted to Kaendoran.
Male Names Jýndai'fas'Tobeuká Kámála'fas'Déveto Kádá'fas'Beutáno Amasár'fas'Odogo Korodai'fas'Borácheu
The Mýnotár are a Bovidae Anthropomorphic race whose names are usually gender specific and consist of a one to four syllable name followed by the infix "do'" (meaning "from") and a location or the infix "éné'" (meaning "of the") and a mercenary group. If a Mýnotár is a ranking officer (more than a common soldier) in a military unit or mercenary group, the name is prefixed by a shortened version of the rank name and has no other name following it. For a real world reference, Mýnotár names are similar to Ancient Greek names that have been adapted to Kaendoran.
The Wairýn are a Feline Anthropomorphic race whose names are usually gender specific and consist of a lower case prefix with an ending apostrophe that is representative of Guild followed by a one to three syllable first name followed by an apostrophe (') then a two to four syllable last name that is usually a family name. The Guild prefix is primarily used in Wairýn communities along with the first name as an informal or friendly usage while the full name with guild and first and last name are primarily reserved for formal and special occasions. Outside of a Wairýn community, most Wairýn give their name as first and last names without the guild prefix. For a real world reference, Wairýn names are similar to Thai names that have been adapted to Kaendoran.
The various Draego (dragons) on Kaendor™ are complex beings with complicated gender neutral names that are ususally eight syllables or more. Following are a few examples of a complete draego name along with the "short" version that is often given to and used by the humanoids of the Worlde.