The Core Game Mechanics are one of the most crucial parts of a tabletop role playing game. Check the sections below to learn a little about the Worlde of Legends™ Core Game Mechanics and check out FREE previews at DriveThruRPG when available.
Worlde of Legends™ Power Stats are a set of Game Mechanics based on an Adventuer's Strength. Power Stats do not change unless your Strength Attribute changes.
Lift High/Low is a Worlde of Legends™ Power Stat that is the amount in pounds that an Adventurer can lift high (above the head) and low (to the waist. Cannot be stacked with others.
Push Pounds is a Worlde of Legends™ Power Stat that is the amount of pounds an Adventurer can push with arms using leverage granted by feet/legs. Can be stacked with others.
Pull Pounds is a Worlde of Legends™ Power Stat that is the amount of pounds an Adventurer can pull with arms using leverage granted by feet/legs. Can be stacked with others.
Bend Bars is a Worlde of Legends™ Power Stat that is the Adventurer's % Chance to Bend Bars or similar items with arm strength. Can be stacked with other Adventurers.
Lift/Slide Portals is a Worlde of Legends™ Power Stat that is the % Chance an Adventurer has to lift/slide a portal. This Stat an be stacked with other Adventurers.
Bust Doors is a Worlde of Legends™ Power Stat that is the % Chance an Adventurer has to bust open a door by slmming the body into it. Can be stacked with others.
Worlde of Legends™ Inherent Skills are a set of Game Mechanics based on an various Adventurer Attributes which allow Adventurers to perform special tasks that are often reserved for specific races or classes in other tableop role-playing games. WoL™ believes that this skill set should be available to all Adventurers no matter what their chosen Archetype or Ability. All of these Inherent Skills can be enhance with the addition of the appropriate Learned Skill. Inherent Skills chance of success increases as an Adventurer increases in Experience Level.
Climb Walls/Ropes is a Worlde of Legends™ Inherent Skill which represents an Adventurer's % chance to climb a 10 foot section of a wall or a rope.
Find Hidden Objects is a Worlde of Legends™ Inherent Skill which represents an Adventurer's % chance to locate objects which are hidden.
Find Secret Doors is a Worlde of Legends™ Inherent Skill which represents an Adventurer's % chance to locate secret or hidden doors in a room.
Hear Noises is a Worlde of Legends™ Inherent Skill which represents an Adventurer's % chance to hear noises behind doors, in brush/forest, etc.
Sneak (Move Silent) is a Worlde of Legends™ Inherent Skill which represents an Adventurer's % chance to move over a 10 foot area without making a sound.
Hide in Shadows is a Worlde of Legends™ Inherent Skill which represents an Adventurer's % chance to hide in dark areas without being seen by others.
Worlde of Legends™ allows all Adventurer's to have a chance to keep the Undead at bay. However, an Adventurer's PIETY does play a role in the chance of success. In addition, Majik Weavers who practice Faeth Majik receive a bonus to all Undead interactions.
An Adventurer's Piety Rating is a Worlde of Legends™ number from 1 - 10 which represents their level of faithfulness to a Divine Power where 1 is Atheist and 10 is Fanatical.
An Adventuer's Faeth Modifier is a Worlde of Legends™ number used to modify Undead interaction chances if the Adventurer is a Majik Weaver who is of the Faeth Majik School.
In Worlde of Legends™, an Adventuer has a chance to REPEL Undead indicating that the undead stays a certain distance away from the Adventurer.
In Worlde of Legends™, an Adventuer has a chance to BANISH Undead indicating that the undead vanishes as it is sent on to the realm of the dead.
In Worlde of Legends™, an Adventuer has a chance to completely DESTROY Undead indicating that the undead crumbles into a pile of dust where it stands.
In Worlde of Legends™, an Adventuer has a chance to gain full control of the undead being indicating it follows the Adventurer's every command.
Worlde of Legends™ Avoidance Checks are a set of Game Mechanics based on various appropriate Attributes which offer the Adventurer a chance to negate or suffer a reduced effect of amount of damage from combat events including (but not limited to) majik spells, bardic enchantments, poison, disease, and illness. Avoidance Checks can be modified by various means and increase in chance of success as an Adventurer gains Experience Levels.
Physical Avoidance Checks (PAC%) are a Worlde of Legends™ Game Mechanic that gives an Adventurer a chance to negate or minimize damage or other physical effects in certain circumstances. They are based on Physical Group Attributes and increase as an Adventuer advances in Experience Level.
Mental Avoidance Checks (MAC%) are a Worlde of Legends™ Game Mechanic that gives an Adventurer a chance to negate or minimize the effect or impacts of mental attacks in certain circumstances. They are based on Mental Group Attributes and increase as an Adventuer advances in Experience Level.
Social Avoidance Checks (SAC%) are a Worlde of Legends™ Game Mechanic that gives an Adventurer a chance to negate or minimize damage to their reputation or other social aspect in certain circumstances. They are based on Social Group Attributes and increase as an Adventuer advances in Experience Level.
Other Avoidance Checks (OAC%) are a Worlde of Legends™ Game Mechanic that is primarily there as a catch-all for the GameMaster to use when other Avoidance Checks do not fit the circumstances. They are based on all Attributes and increase as an Adventuer advances in Experience Level.
Natural Resistances include Majik Reistance (MR), Poison Resistance (PR), and Disease/Illness Resistenace (DR) and are a Worlde of Legends™ Game Mechanic that gives an Adventurer a bonus to appropriate Avoidance Checks. They are based on releveant Attributes and do not increase with Exp Level.
On occasion, Adventurers are required to utilize skills other than those of weapons combat and majik and other that those which are inherent to all peoples. These skills are called Learned Skills. Learned Skills are the skills which an Adventurer learns in order to achieve actions which require a bit more knowledge than common sense and a bit more skill than natural actions require.
Note: Learned Skills are NOT INCLUDED in Worlde of Legends™ LITE edition.
At the time of Adventurer Creation, a player must choose a Worlde of Legends™ Trade or Craft Learned Skill to be his/her Tertiary Ability which represents his/her profession or training before becoming a heroic, legendary Adventurer.
Worlde of Legends™ uses a Skills Mastery System which allows players to choose skills for his/her adventure character and slowly progress those skills through 10 Mastery Ranks, becoming more successful with the Learned Skill as they grow in Exp Level.
The number of Worlde of Legends™ Learned Skills an Adventurer may have is based on their ability to learn (Mental Attributes). Each Adventurer gets a number of skill slots at Adventurer creation and gets more slots at each new Exp Level.
There are several ways Adventurers may acquire new Worlde of Legends™ Learned Skills including:
Formal Training
Informal Training
Advancing from one Learned Skill Mastery Rank to the next is done the same ways.
When an Adventurer wishes to use one of his/her Worlde of Legends™ Learned Skills, he/she must make a Learned Skill Check pitting his/her Chance of Skill Success vs d% (d100). Rolling the success % or lower indicates that the skill use was successful.
There are over 500 Worlde of Legends™ Learned Skills in the following categories:
Academic | Animal
Combat | Creative
Entertainment | Life Healing | Inherent
Majikal | Nature
Physical | Mental
Survival | Unvavorable
Sage | Trade/Craft
Underground | Social
In addtion to the groups of Game Mechanics shown above, Worlde of Legends™ has the following host of other mechanics that are just as important to game play.
Health Points (HP) are vital to a Worlde of Legnds Adventurer. HP represents how much physical damage an Adventurer can take before falling unconscious (0 HP to -12 HP) and eventually dying (-13 or lower).
Each Worlde of Legends™ Adventurer has a Movement Rate which represents how many feet he/she can move in one combat round and is extrapolated into other types of Movement Rates.
A Worlde of Legends™ Adventurer's Defense Factor (DEF) is a number that is 12 or lower that represents his/her armor and other defense. It is used to determine if an attack is successful or not.
Social Tendencies (Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic) is the first half of a traditional RPG "alignment". It represents a Worlde of Legends™ Adventurer's outward behavior as a manifestation of their belief system.
Moral Alignment (Good, Neutral, or Evil) is the 2nd half of a traditional RPG "alignment". It represents a Worlde of Legends™ Adventurer's beliefs, of dogma that lies beneath his/her exhibited behaviors.
During combat, Worlde of Legends™ utilizes an Initiative System to determine when an Adventurer may take action. Initiative is rolled on d10 at the beginning of every combat round and turns are taken in sequence.
In Worlde of Legends™, each Adventurer has a certain number of actions that can be taken in a combat round called Encounter Action Maneuvers (EAM).
In Worlde of Legends™, each Adventurer has a certain number of weapon actions that can be taken in a combat round called Weapon Action Maneuvers (WAM).
Each Adventurer in Worlde of Legends™ has an Attack Roll Modifier (ARM) which is used with a d20 die roll to determine if an attack on an enemy is successful or not.
Each Adventuer in Wolrde of Legends™ who has the Weapons, Archery, Staff, or Týnj'Naz Ability has a Weapons Mastery Indicator (WMI) which is used for weapon stats.
Each Adventuer in Wolrde of Legends™ who chooses an Arts Majika Ability (Faeth, Maej, Maiv, or Reun) has a Majikal Energy Modifier (MEM) which is used for majik stats.
Each Adventuer in Wolrde of Legends™ who chooses any of the six Bardic Arts Abilities has a Bardic Talent Indicator(BTI) which is used for determinine Bardic Arts stats.
On occasion, In Worlde of Legends™, an Adventurer has a follower or hireling. Follower Allegience is a number that represent that follower's loyalty to the Adventurer.
When really bad things happen to a Worlde of Legends™ Adventurer, it is hard on the physical body and mental status. Trauma Checks are made when these things happen.
When an Adventuer dies in Worlde of Legends™ , he/she may be resurrected. Resurrectino is hard on the body and mind and requires a Resurrection Survival Check.
Each Adventurer in Worlde of Legends™ has one of these types of vision depending on race.
Normal (High Light)
Lumivision (Lo Light)
Aurovision (No Light)
Ultivision (All Light)
Each player must pick a Social Class at Character Creation for his/her Adventuer. Social Classes affect background story and starting money in Worlde of Legends™.
Most Adventurers in Worlde of Legends™ can fluently read, write, and speak his/her native language and has a chance to learn more languages as they gain Exp Levels.
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